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Shoemaker Elementary School Fifth Grade Art Club decorates local eatery

Contributed Photos Student artists in the Shoemaker Elementary School Fifth Grade Art Club brought their mural painting skills and experience to popular summer eatery TG Countryside, 5130 Chestnut St., Emmaus, recently. The end result? Murals of treats for diners and art fans to admire. ABOVE: Kolebe Squillante gives close attention to a mural detail.
Madison Van Pelt paints a favorite summertime snack - fries.
Carter Williams works on a mural panel featuring a cheeseburger.
Ashlyn Decker paints a summer staple, a hot dog with mustard and ketchup.
Addison Speakman is among the mural artists working on the Countryside TG project.
Kendall Morgan and Madison Van Pelt work together.
Fifth grade art club muralists Carter Williams, Kendall Morgan, Madison Van Pelt, Kolebe Squillante, Addison Speakman and Ashlyn Decker join Shoemaker Elementary School art teacher and art club mentor Jeff Shreck for a photo at Countryside TG, Chestnut Street, Emmaus. Their treat-filled mural provides the backdrop.
Kendall Morgan works on the mural painted by the Shoemaker Elementary Fifth Grade Art Club at Countryside TG.