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Salisbury Middle School students learn how to properly handle the U.S. flag

Press Photos by C. Richard Chartrand Salisbury Middle School teacher Matt Tobias took his social studies students outside for a special lesson and demonstration of protocols used when handling the U.S. flag Sept. 11. ABOVE: Salisbury Middle School students Zaki Al-Bajali and Gia Olds and SMS substitute teacher Allison Koch work together to fold the flag.
Salisbury Middle School teacher Matt Tobias instructs Rhya Jones, Tanner Kuder and Ayla Weiss about care of the flag.
SMS students Ayla Weiss, Gabe Gnall, Rhya Jones and Tanner Kuder work together.
Jolene Beck, SMS substitute teacher Allison Koch, Julianna Rach and Merella Moustafa practice folding the flag.
SMS teacher Matt Tobias joins students Robert Grim, Jacob Spinner and Kelly Tierney in raising the flag.
Matt Tobias joins his students at the flagpole as part of a special lesson and demonstration on the protocols of handling the U.S. flag Sept. 11.