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Emmaus Halloween parade Oct. 21

Emmaus Borough Council convened Oct. 2 for its regular meeting where Mayor Lee Ann Gilbert announced an upcoming Community Heroes event Oct. 7 at the Emmaus Public Library, offering the community an opportunity to meet first responders from the area.

Councilman Chris DeFrain announced the Emmaus Halloween Parade is scheduled for 7 p.m. Oct. 21, with a rain date of 6:30 p.m. Oct. 22. He encouraged local businesses to get involved.

Next, the meeting minutes from Sept. 18 were approved.

A letter was received from mechanic Gerald Fehnel informing the borough of his retirement after 21 years of service. It was also announced part-time police officer Troy Leonard submitted his resignation.

A request from Emmaus Main Street Partners to waive parking fees was received. They requested the parking fees in the new lot across from South Mountain Cycle to be waived for the Old Fashioned Christmas Event 4-7 p.m. Dec. 2. However, council denied this request, citing they cannot waive any fees in that lot. The lot was recently purchased for the purpose of paid parking and they do not want to set a precedent that this lot will be free.

The last two items in communications were EMT resignations. All communication items were approved. There were no items within the borough engineer’s report or solicitor’s report.

Two new ordinances were presented for consideration under new business, both concerning designated disabled parking areas:

Ordinance No. 1249 proposed amendments to Chapter 15 §602.3.A of the Emmaus Borough Code, regarding the addition and removal of residential disabled parking signs on public streets adjacent to 611 and 613 Walnut St. This marked the first reading of the ordinance.

Similarly, Ordinance No. 1250 suggested amendments to Chapter 15 §602.3.A of the Emmaus Borough Code, focusing on residential disabled parking signs and assigned parking space on a public street adjacent to 555 Broad Street. This ordinance also received its first reading.

Both ordinances were approved for their first reading and will be revisited at the next meeting during unfinished business.

Gilbert’s report included two proclamations:

Proclamation 2023-570 declared Fire Prevention Week Oct. 8-14, increasing awareness of fire safety in the borough.

Proclamation 2023-571 announced Trick or Treat Night in Emmaus Borough 6-8 p.m. Oct. 27.

Councilman John Hart introduced the idea of purchasing more stop signs to be placed at different alleyways in the borough. This was not an official item during the public safety report but will be brought forward at a future meeting.

Council approved the appointment of Rachel Peters to the Emmaus Arts Commission. Her resume showcased a wealth of experience in art and design and she is currently working as an instructional design manager.

The bill list totaled $1,295,183.66.

Borough Manager Shane Pepe’s report included the announcement of the hiring of a part-time paratransit driver.

The meeting was then adjourned, with the next meeting scheduled 6 p.m. Oct. 16.