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Student musicians learn music and moves in band camp at Emmaus High School

Photos Courtesy of Jeff Shreck Student musicians sharpened their music and marching skills in band camp at Emmaus High School recently. Band members worked 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day in preparation for football season. ABOVE: Flute musicians Danica Dela Cruz, Anisha Kundu, Lily Hoffman and Nicholas Campano are festively dressed as they practice their steps and music at band camp.
Thomas Amdur and Reid Hoffman, section leader, are at the front of the line as drummers work combining marching and music.
Musicians in the brass section practice with others in the marching band at Emmaus High School.
Band members work on blending their sound.
Student musicians in the percussion section give their attention to EHS music teacher Ryan Harrington during band camp.
Scaffolding is used to allow a full view of the band on the field.