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Parents and guardians attend open house at SHS

PRESS PHOTOS BY MARIEKE ANDRONACHE On Sept. 21, Salisbury High School welcomes parents and guardians to an open house. They were able to follow their child's schedule, visit classes, meet teachers and other school officials.
Spanish teacher and STARS adviser Brenda Cherry explains to a group of parents the curriculum for the year.
Art Teacher Jay Linsenbigler, who teaches art and photography, shows some past student art projects to parents.
Family and Consumer Science teacher Holly Borthwick goes over the different life skill learning projects that are part of the curriculum with parents and guardians.
Social Studies teacher Michael Barna speaks on the topics which will be covered in his class this year.
Megan Basile welcomes the parents and guardians of her students to her biology class.
Salisbury High School students welcome parents and guardians to the information tables on clubs and activities the school offers.