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Lower Milford Township residents sign petition

The Lower Milford Board of Supervisors met for its monthly meeting Sept. 21 without public comment; however, comments were taken throughout the meeting. The previous meeting’s minutes, treasurer’s report and September bills were quickly approved without discussion.

In her report, Township Administrator Emily Fucci highlighted her work on the Lower Milford Fall Festival. She has also been preparing the first draft of the township 2024 budget.

In the public works report, general road work and preparation for the festival were the only items of note. There were no significant concerns reported in the report.

The Macungie Ambulance Corps responded to four calls for the month of August. They also sent their request for funding for the 2024 budget. Fucci reported Lower Milford has not typically provided annual funds for the corps.

There was one item in old business. The board reviewed a sketch plan by Cowan Associates for the township property access easement on County Line Road near Baus Road.

Due to the terrain, the proposal showed only one dwelling could be built on the property. Ultimately, the township wants to use the property to put excess rock, materials, etc. They may potentially build a pole barn in the future.

There were several items in new business.

The minimum municipal obligation budget for the 2024 pension contributions was first approved. The amount agreed for the yearly budget totaled $25,485.

Resolution 2023-9 adds an agricultural security area within the township. This helps to protect people from nuisance items and is free if you have 10 acres or more of open space on your property. This was approved.

Resolution 2023-10 aims to amend certain language, guidelines and fees for obtaining a special event permit within the township. This was tabled for the next meeting. The board requested additional language be added to the resolution.

Next, the board approved a $3,968 payment out of the American Rescue Plan Act Fund. This was for a new pump needed to replace an out-of-date pump.

A letter of interest was received for the zoning hearing board. The interested party was invited to the next workshop meeting to be interviewed.

Residents were in attendance for the first item in correspondence.

A petition was received from township residents for: “Increased enforcement signs in the Village of Hosensack,” “Noise ordinance in the Village of Hosensack,” “Limit truck length on Limeport Pike in Village of Hosensack,” “Lower speed limit to 30 mph in the Village of Hosensack,” “No engine brake signs in the Village of Hosensack,” “Three way stop at Limeport Pike and Kings Highway in the Village of Hosensack” and “No thru traffic signs on Milky Way.”

The supervisors supported the petition and will reach out on all possible enforcement actions. They will get quotes for speed bumps/humps, inquire about a traffic study for Milky Way, make several requests with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and contact the state police.

The residents seemed to be pleased with the supervisors’ response, as there were no complaints during the discussion. The supervisors assured residents updates will be provided.

The next item was the announcement of a Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection approval letter for the Limeport Commons Land Development. No other information was provided. This project has been steadily underway.

A request for financial contribution was received from the Lower Macungie Historical Society. The money would be to support the production of a 30-minute film on the Fries Rebellion. This was denied.

A second financial donation request was received from the Saucon Creek Watershed Association. A third donation request was also received from New Bethany, Inc. Both were denied.

An invitation was received for the Lehigh Valley Greenways Municipal Leaders Breakfast Oct. 19. More information on this event is available online.

The last few items in correspondence were informational flyers, a monthly Social Security newsletter and an appeal hearing notice.

The meeting was then adjourned. The next meeting will be held 6:30 p.m. Oct. 19. Meetings are located at the Lower Milford Township Building, 7607 Chestnut Hill Church Road, Coopersburg.