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Elementary students have fun start to school year

Elementary schools in Whitehall-Coplay School District have started the year with exciting activities and changes. At the Sept. 25 Whitehall-Coplay School Board meeting, Steckel Elementary School Principal Cora Snyder and teacher Mrs. Skrapits provided a brief presentation showing the success of the new elementary school playground.

A brief video was presented to the board showing children using the new equipment. Skrapits explained how the new playground has become a motivator for all the children. They are eager to have time on the playground, and they follow direction and finish tasks in order to make that happen.

Skrapits also said the playground has sparked conversations regarding sharing, playing together and taking turns.

Zephyr Elementary School has launched a new reading program titled Love Of Literature, or LOL. Each week, different readers will visit the school and read to the students. The first week was kicked off by having members of the WCSD administration read to the children.

Gockley Elementary School has started a positive behavioral program that included a scavenger hunt where the students can earn Zephyr points. Goals are to be caring and safe.

PTO PLUS President Toni Fillman reported the PTO had its first meeting of this school year Sept. 11. She reminded everyone the PTO meets 7 p.m. every second Tuesday of the month at Steckel Elementary. All parents and guardians are encouraged to join.

The next PTO meeting will be 7 p.m. Oct. 10.