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Duck race winners announced

The 14th annual Great Bath Duck Race, sponsored by Bath Farmers Market, grows every year. Sponsors of 340 toy ducks put down the $5 entrance fee to enter the race.

Many of the sponsors and participants were on hand July 22 to watch their legless participants float down the Monocacy Creek from the Northampton Street bridge in Bath to the finish line at the Main Street bridge.

People lined up by the side of the stream and on the walkway bridge over the stream, hoping to get a glimpse of their sponsored duck.

The winners circle was a V-shaped area formed by chicken wire to catch the ducks. The winners must enter the V in the middle of the stream to win a prize. There were 31 prizes.

Darrin Heckman, of Bath, was the race official watching the finish line.

The first duck to come down the stretch was a blue duck numbered 334 with a large lead over the second-place duck, a pink one numbered 219.

Things became complicated when the blue duck got caught in the wire about five feet from the wire funnel. Blue slowly drifted toward the funnel, but the pink duck’s strategy to remain in the middle of the stream paid off as it zoomed into the funnel ahead of the blue duck. Attendees were shocked at the race upset with the pink duck taking the lead.

This was perhaps one of the most startling finishes in the race’s 14 year history, with the pink duck’s sponsor - Nick Mirabito - walking away with the $250 first prize. The second prize of $25 went to the blue duck’s sponsor, Eric Bayda.

There were 29 other prizes, comprised mostly of gift certificates.

After the race, people lined up to have a picture taken with the race mascot named Quackie, who was perched on a red antique Ford truck.

Music, sidewalk art and vendors present made for a fun community feeling and helped display and underscore Bath Borough’s motto - “History, nestled in friendship.”

Carol Bear-Heckman, race and farmers market director, and her team were happy with the turnout, growth and fun during the race.

Toy ducks add a splash of color to the creek during Bath Farmers Market's Great Bath Duck Race July 22.
PRESS PHOTOS BY BILL LEINER JR. Participants and attendees cheer as the ducks race down the Monocacy Creek.