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Road closure approved for Alburtis Halloween parade

In a scheduled council meeting, the Alburtis Borough Council discussed significant matters and provided updates on borough affairs.

The meeting commenced promptly 7 p.m. and the floor was opened to residents, offering anyone an opportunity to address the council with their thoughts and concerns. There were only a couple of residents in attendance. None spoke.

Mayor Kathleen Palmer did not have a report to share. The police report showcased the latest crime statistics within the borough. Truck stops increased from 25 to 70 incidents July through August, a 180 percent rise.

Next, council members approved the minutes from the preceding meeting, as well as the bills for payment. The bill list totaled $48,539.67.

The treasurer’s report and engineer’s report highlighted ongoing projects, budget developments and grant requests. It was noted four bids were received for the Bicentennial Village Infrastructure project. Additionally, Ott Consulting (Alburtis borough’s engineering firm) is reviewing punch list items for other infrastructure projects and preparing grant reimbursement requests for them. A motion was approved to finish a project to install an automatic hoist at the pump station.

An update on ambulance services provided by Macungie Ambulance was also on the agenda. There were nine calls received from Alburtis in August. A representative from the corps was in attendance to speak to the council. He thanked them for their yearly support, showcased yearly statistics, and, ultimately, asked for the yearly budget request. Council members thanked the representative and, seemingly, will contribute the expected annual allotment. In 2022, Alburtis borough contributed $6,000 more than usual to purchase a new ambulance.

The meeting moved to administration. There were four items.

First, council looked at the results of bids received for the Bicentennial Village project. There were issues with parts of the plan attached to the bid, which required the bid to be updated. The project bid will not be awarded until the Sept. 27 council meeting. Council needs to have more conversations on the engineering costs and the scope of the entire Bicentennial project. An update will be provided at the next meeting. A motion was accepted to request additional grants.

Council members approved a request to purchase a replacement meter for Well #3. A quote was received from LAWCO Inc. for a 4-inch Neptune MACH 10 Ultrasonic USG Water Meter plus installation at a cost of $7,199.

Council then deliberated on the future of police vehicle 903. They decided to put the vehicle up for bid online.

The last item was a request for road closures by the Alburtis Area Community Center for the 2023 Alburtis Halloween Parade. This year’s parade will be held Oct. 28, with a rain date of Oct. 29. The parade will start 7 p.m. and run to 9 p.m.

The AACC is requesting the closure of Walnut Street at the intersection of West Second Street up to Third Street. Additionally, roads within the route will be closed 6 p.m. allowing local traffic to residents’ homes only. The detailed route was provided:

-Starts at Alburtis Elementary School

-Goes up to Walnut to School Street

-Turns left onto School Street and heads toward Franklin Street

-Turns right onto Franklin Street and heads toward Lauren Lane

-Turns left onto Lauren Lane and heads toward Church Street

-Turns right onto Church Street and heads toward Lockridge Lane

-Turns left onto Lockridge Lane and heads toward East Second Street

-Crosses over Main Street onto West Second Street

-Continues on West Second Street

-Turns left onto Walnut Street and ends at Alburtis Elementary School

Following these discussions, council held an executive session to address personnel matters. The meeting was adjourned to the general public.

Residents and interested parties are encouraged to attend meetings to stay informed about borough affairs and actively participate in discussions.

The next Alburtis Borough Council meeting is 7 p.m. Sept. 27.