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Residents say trash collection expensive with poor service

During the Sept. 18 Macungie Borough Council meeting, several residents complained about the borough’s trash collection. The rate increase was one concern. It was mentioned all services of this sort have been affected by the high inflation rates. As far as poor service, issues should be reported to the trash hauler which, in turn, are reported to the borough.

Stone Hill Meadows was a topic of conversation. Their representative spoke and said they are proceeding with the plan as they see it.

Mayor Ronald Conrad spoke about activities in the borough, particularly at the Macungie Institute, the park and other areas. He mentioned the Halloween Parade Oct. 29 with the festival beginning 4 p.m. on the same day.

Macungie must replace the guard rail on Cotton Street which was badly damaged from an accident. The replacement will cost $7,500 which council approved.

Several other projects were also approved including a solar panel for $294.41, emergency repairs on North Sycamore Street for $1,153.72 and repair of a fence around a water storage basin. Macungie Ambulance Corps received their annual request of $17,500.

There was an executive session for real estate, legal and personnel issues.