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9/11 ceremony is annual reminder of resilience of America

Firefighters, police officers, emergency medical personnel, military veterans and those who call themselves “just patriotic Americans,” gathered in the parking lot of the Mission BBQ Restaurant noon Sept. 11 for a 9/11 “Never Forget” memorial ceremony to honor those who lost their lives in the Sept. 11, 2001, attack on America.

The ceremony began with the national anthem, followed by a fusillade of rifle fire, a bugler playing taps and concluded with the pensive wail of a bagpiper. No long speeches or commentary. Just a lot of American flags waving in the crowd and a huge flag suspended between two fire company aerial ladder trucks.

The ceremony has taken place at Mission BBQ since the restaurant opened at its Grape Street location seven years ago.

After the ceremony, those in attendance lined up for a free BBQ sandwich courtesy of Mission BBQ and for moments of camaraderie with those who come back every year.

They shed tears, reminisced and proclaimed thanks for the country they live in and for those who serve to protect their families.

One of those who said they have been there for every ceremony, wiped away some tears and thanked the first responders standing nearby for doing what they do.

Press Photo by Jim Marsh Members of the Allentown Police Department Honor Guard “present the colors” during the 9/11 “Never Forget” ceremony held noon Sept. 11 at the Mission BBQ restaurant along Grape Street in Whitehall. In the background is the Eastern Salisbury Fire Department antique fire engine brought out for special occasions. Additional photos appear on Pages A2 and A5.
Kaysie Bauder, president and a firefighter at Eastern Salisbury Fire Department, sings the national anthem at the Sept. 11 “Never Forget” ceremony held at the Mission BBQ restaurant in Whitehall. Also pictured are, left, Nancy Smith, Mission BBQ ambassador and Colby Jones, the restaurant's general manager.
Military veterans salute at the 9/11 “Never Forget” ceremony held Sept. 11 at the Mission BBQ Restaurant, Whitehall, as bugler Chris Matthews, a member of the Allentown Police Department honor Guard, plays taps.
PRESS PHOTOS BY JIM MARSH Gene Kutzler, of Northampton, is the annual bagpipe performer at the 9/11 “Never Forget” memorial ceremony held at the Mission BBQ, Whitehall, Sept. 11.
PRESS PHOTOS BY JIM MARSH Members of the Bethlehem Police Department's mounted guard salute during the singing of the national anthem at the 9/11 “Never Forget” memorial service held Sept. 11 at the Mission BBQ Restaurant, Whitehall.