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Middle school families meet teachers, visit book fair

Catasauqua Middle School welcomed parents/guardians to meet the teachers Sept. 14.

In addition to individual teacher visits in each classroom, grade-level presentations were held in the auditorium.

Tables were also scattered throughout the school, providing information on clubs and programs that are available for students to join. Parents/guardians and students attended the Scholastic book fair in the multimedia center with technology aid Chrissy Weaver, who assisted with purchases and answered any questions that shoppers may have.

In the lobby, Jennifer Staib, with Center for Humanistic Change, greeted incoming parents/guardians and provided information on the program, which assists with bullying, substance abuse matters and behavioral health.

Also found in the lobby were representatives from Salisbury Behavioral Health, which is a school-based mental health outpatient program that aids students from elementary through high school. Referrals for this program can be submitted to the student’s school guidance counselor.

Daniel Snyder hosted a table for Lehigh Career and Technical Institute. This program begins in high school, but students are able to tour the school beginning in eighth grade. Although CMS students have some time until they are able to participate, it is never too early to see what academic opportunities may be available for their future.

Student Cecilia Deidzel was waving down students who were looking for adventure and outdoor activities because Girl Scout Troop 94 is welcoming new members. The troop meets 7 p.m. Mondays at Holy Trinity Memorial Lutheran Church, 604 Fourth St., Catasauqua.

For more information on the troop, contact Donald Szerencits at szerencitsd@gmail.com.

Jennifer Staib, with Center for Humanistic Change, is ready to welcome Catasauqua Middle School parents/guardians and students to her table during meet the teacher Sept. 14. This organization provides helpful information on bullying, substance abuse matters and behavioral health and offers therapy services.
Cecilia Deidzel and Story Brotzman, with Girl Scout Troop 94, are excited to talk with other students during the annual school event. The troop is welcoming new recruits to join. The group meets 7 p.m. Mondays at Holy Trinity Memorial Lutheran Church, 604 Fourth St., Catasauqua.
Staff provide the fifth-grade teacher presentation in the auditorium. This was an overall presentation with all pod-grade teachers that discuss year goals and how to reach the teachers.
Representatives with Salisbury Behavioral Health get together for a photo with CMS counselors Stacey Carpenter and Amy Dymond-Jones.
PRESS PHOTOS BY CASSANDRA DAYOUB The Scholastic book fair is open for parents/guardians and students to browse and make purchases.
Chrissy Weaver, multimedia room technology aid, helps with the book fair.