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Allentown Fair

The Great Allentown Fair returned for a sunny 2023 Labor Day weekend.

While exploring the bustling fairgrounds, folks participated in family-friendly contests like the Barnyard Olympics, watched local “Movers and Shakers” compete against the “Media” in the Grape Stomp Contest, tried their luck at carnival games, and thrilled to the high wire exploits of the legendary Flying Wallendas.

Others checked out the prizewinning entries in livestock, baking, art, quilts, crafts, and other categories, climbed aboard thrill rides, and munched on funnel cake and other fair fare at Allentown’s annual blue ribbon event.

Olivia Brozman from Nazareth participates in the chicken calling contest Sept. 3.
Ethan Brozman from Nazareth takes his turn at the hog calling contest Sept. 3.
Sam Lazarus from Schnecksville competes in the cow mooing contest Sept. 3.
Accompanied by Fair Queen Kamryn Fink of Germansville, Keiran Boyle from Nazareth shows off his chicken-calling blue ribbon during the Barnyard Olympics Sept. 3.
Davin Boyle competes in the Pedal Tractor Pull Sept. 3. The 10-year-old lives in Nazareth.
Although fair mascot Moodonna's hay bale went foul, it sailed past the audience during the Hay Bale Throwing Contest Sept. 3.
Martin H. Mease of Bethlehem displays antique gasoline engines used to power farm and household machinery in the days before rural electrification. These were among a collection of old tractors and other vintage farm equipment at the Old Time Plow Boys Club fair exhibit.
Press photos by Ed Courrier The Movers & Shakers Team celebrate winning first place in the Sept. 3 Grape Stomp Contest, while the Media Team at left, scores second. From left are Lehigh County Agricultural Society President Daryl Urmy, Allentown Mayor Matt Tuerk, Wendy Stark from PPL, ReMax realtor Stuart Dubbs, Lehigh County Executive Phillips Armstrong, State Rep. Mike Schlossberg, coach Laurie Wuchter from Ritz Barbecue, 2023 Great Allentown Fair Queen Kamryn Fink, and fair mascot Moodonna.
“Bubbles” falls fast asleep in the lap of Allentown resident Stephanie Jamiolkowski in the Steinmetz Family Farm tent Sept. 3. The family enterprise located in Fleetwood features farm-based experiences including providing baby goats for cuddling.
Kenzley Feehan from Bethlehem Township gets a lesson about magic wands from Magic on the Farm magician Tim Balster Sept. 3. The first grader attends Bethlehem Christian School.
Alessandro “Alex” Wallenda and his wife Claire maintain a balanced relationship on the high wire at the MainGate Courtyard Sept. 4.