Macungie Halloween parade committee requests additional funds
Macungie Borough Council met Sept. 5 with Stone Hill Meadows water issues continuing to be a topic of discussion including the swale and water drainage.
Another area of concern was presented by a resident at the Ridings, near the new development located adjacent to Brookside Country Club. Fields at Brookside is under construction. The Ridings resident is experiencing water runoff from this construction. Further investigation will follow.
The Church Street sidewalk project was discussed. There are two residents appealing the sidewalk determination due to cracks over 1-inch wide, depressions and height differences. Both appeals have been denied and sidewalk repairs must go on. The deadline to complete this process is June 30, 2024.
The crosswalk repair on Main Street is currently being worked on. This project involves removing the embedded lights including removing some piping under the street. Traffic was reduced to two lanes and some turns from Main Street were blocked causing some concerns from local businesses. Some local roads have a temporary change in one ways.
The security wall project in borough hall has been withdrawn. This is due to lack of need and potential costs.
The Macungie Halloween Parade Committee requested a $2,500 donation. The representative said they do not have a 2-year profit/loss statement as last year was the first year for the Halloween committee. They spent $2,500 on the 2022 parade. Previous parades were handled by the now dissolved Lower Lehigh Lions Club.
The current budget for this year’s parade is $3,500 with their intention to “make it a bigger and better parade.” The $2,500 will be used as prizes for division winners in order to attract inspired floats, bands, marchers and to make the necessary payments to provide adequate safety and security to the community and participants.
Council said the budget only allows for $1,500. Council President Ron Karboski said it is council’s responsibility to protect taxpayers’ money. The motion to approve $1,500 was approved with two nays.
Lorraine Walters was approved for the civil service commission with her term to expire March 31, 2027. Karboski and Barry Bloch voted nay.
There was an executive session for real estate, legal and personnel issues.