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A dedication of the upgraded Central Station is scheduled for Oct. 14

Completion of Central Station emergency services facilities at 420 S. Tenth St. is still a few weeks away Director of Emmaus Emergency Service and Emmaus Fire Chief John Price said Sept. 5.

Price said the Central Station upgrades will turn the location into a thoroughly modern emergency services facility.

The station was initially put into service in 1980, Price said.

“The modernization will provide better work spaces and living quarters for those staffing emergency service positions at the Central Station on a 24/7 basis,” Price said.

“We’ll no longer have to have our firefighter’s personal protective gear hanging in lockers in a hallway,” Price said as an example of a practical improvement.

New lockers and shower facilities will also be part of the renovated facility.

A dedication of the new Central Station is scheduled Oct. 14.