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District News: Middle school’s back to school night set for Sept. 14

Northampton Area Middle School’s back to school night is scheduled for 6-8 p.m. Sept. 14. Parents/guardians are invited to meet with teachers and follow their students’ schedules.


Picture days are coming! All students will have their photos taken, but purchase is optional.

• Moore Elementary School: Sept. 14.

• George Wolf Elementary School: Sept. 15

• Siegfried building Sept. 20

• NAMS: Sept. 21

• Franklin building: Sept. 22

Picture makeup days will be Nov. 9.


The Northampton band competition will be held 6-9 p.m. Sept. 16 at Al Erdosy Field.


Lehigh Elementary School’s back to school night fundraiser is set for 5-8 p.m. Sept. 27 at Hillside Mini Golf and Ice Cream, 3219 Cherryville Road, Allen Township. The school will earn 20% of all sales.

Come join other Lehigh Elementary families and friends while supporting the school.


If you would like to share any upcoming school events for administrators, teachers, staff, students, clubs, coaches, etc., email me at jamb87@hotmail.com and title it Northampton District News. I would be happy to spread the news for any upcoming activities. You can also send me pictures and details on great things that are happening in your classrooms for possible publication in Northampton Press. Be sure to send me your information at least two weeks before an event. Columns are completed the weekend before going to press Wednesdays.