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County Aging, Adult Services director discusses master plan for older residents


Special to The Press

Lehigh County Aging and Adult Services hosted a listening session on the Pennsylvania Department of Aging’s development of a master plan for older adults on Aug. 28 at Cedar View Apartments, South Whitehall.

This 10-year, state-led and stakeholder-driven strategic plan is designed to transform the infrastructure and coordination of services for older Pennsylvanians.

The master plan will also reflect the needs and preferences of this population to live where they choose and to access the support they need to thrive and age in place.

Stakeholders, older adults, and people living with disabilities, their families, caregivers and community leaders were invited to hear an overview of the plan, its core principals, and why the plan is needed.

There were opportunities for those in attendance to provide comments and input on the plan.

Clayton Reed Jr., executive director of Lehigh County Office of Aging and adult services spoke and gave a PowerPoint presentation.

There were eight points based on the AARP Age-friendly Domains of Livability shown in the presentation and also on a handout.

The talking points included: social participation, civic participation and employment, communication and information, outdoor spaces and buildings, housing, transportation, health services, and community supports, and respect and social inclusion.

Some residents wondered if transportation service could be covered by auto or health insurance.

One resident asked why there aren’t more facilities such as Cedar View Apartments.

Reed explained Lehigh County received a grant 45 years ago, and the units are priced with a mix so the building pays for itself.

“I think part of the reason, the building is run so well, is because they have a great staff,” attendee Marilyn Shive said.

Which was followed by applause.

Individuals who were unable to attend this meeting may provide input on the plan by emailing AgingPlan@pa.gov or mailing the Pennsylvania Department of Aging, c/o Master Plan, 555 Walnut St., 5th Floor, Harrisburg, PA, 17101 or online at aging.pa.gov.

Clayton Reed Jr., executive director of Lehigh County Aging and Adult Services, gave a PowerPoint presentation Aug. 28 at Cedar View Apartments, South Whitehall, on the Pennsylvania Department of Aging's development of the master plan for older adults. PRESS PHOTO BY MICHAEL HIRSCH