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Police ask council for assistance with stray animals

During the Sept. 5 workshop meeting, Coplay Borough Police Chief Ryan Emerich asked council to commit to a local animal shelter to house abandoned and lost animals, especially as the winter months approach.

Recently, a stray dog was taken in by the police department and cared for until it was adopted. However, a contract with a shelter is preferred in case there is an increase in strays.

Council is working on a trap and release plan with the Lehigh County Humane Society to remove 60 stray felines from the borough for a fee. Initially, this was to be voted on later this month; however, the decision was made to table this item since more information is needed to secure the best arrangement possible to handle the problem moving forward.

Public works Director Paul Boyle said the streets that were damaged from UGI doing underground work are slated to be repaired this month. Front, Chestnut and Coplay streets will be done first.

Mayor Steve Burker, Councilman Rick Kern and Councilwoman Janet Eisenhauer thanked Boyle and his crew for all of the work they did to make Coplay Community Days a success and for helping maintain the Coplay Public Library building.

Councilman Mike Dreisbach indicated the security cameras are being installed at the fire department within the next few days.

Library liaison Eisenhauer noted the library is now operating on the winter hours schedule. The library will be open 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays and 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays.

The Vince’s Cheesesteaks food truck will be at the municipal pool parking lot on Keefer Street 3-7 p.m. Sept. 7. Sales will benefit the library.

At the borough regular meeting, which will be held 7 p.m. Sept. 12 in borough hall, 98 S. Fourth St., council will be voting to approve the hiring of two additional 32-hour part-time police officers. The proposed Halloween parade date and trick or treat will also be on the agenda for approval.