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Alburtis Borough Council sees amendments to Civil Service rules

The Borough of Alburtis held a council meeting Aug 30.

The meeting was marked by discussions on amendments to Civil Service rules, updates regarding the police department, grant applications and requests from local organizations.

The meeting began with the traditional Call to Order. The floor was then opened to public comment, however, there were no comments.

In Mayor Kathleen Palmer’s report, she campaigned for the need for the purchase of a police vehicle. The police department needs to replace an old vehicle. The total cost of the purchase amounts to $54,768.

The council reviewed Resolutions No. 2023-15 and Resolution No. 2023-16. These grant applications aim to secure funding to purchase two new police vehicles. Additionally, the grant will cover costs for police cameras and upgrades to the car camera systems. The council approved submitting the grants. If the grants aren’t received, American Rescue Plan Act Funds will be used to pay for the sole vehicle and a second vehicle will not be purchased.

The council subsequently approved the minutes of the previous meeting, held Aug. 9.

The bills for payment for the month of August were examined and fiscal matters were further clarified by the fiscal consultant’s report.

In the administration section of the agenda, several significant topics were addressed.

Ordinance No. 581 was the first item. This proposed amendments to the Civil Service Rules and Regulations of the Borough of Alburtis. These amendments pertain to the processing of applications and examinations for positions within the police department. It was agreed that all applications and examinations will now be overseen by the Alburtis Civil Service Commission, discontinuing the previous use of the Lehigh County Chiefs of Police Association Consortium. Notably, applicants for police positions are now required to possess a minimum of three years of relevant law enforcement experience before submitting their application. This was approved by council.

Next, council approved the recommendation for Pay Application No. 3 to Grace Industries. The amount of the work completed totaled $143,849.61.

The Alburtis Area Community Center made a request for the utilization of remaining funds from the 2022 Alburtis Parade for the upcoming second annual Halloween Parade. Since responsibility has shifted to the AACC, council approved the funds transfer. Donations to the parade should be given to the AACC directly, not the borough.

The council reviewed a request to use a borough lot for a blood drive during the upcoming Winterfest event scheduled for Dec. 3, 2024. No approval was needed, as it was too early to vote. It was simply correspondence.

The meeting concluded with the announcement of an executive session. The next meeting will be 7 p.m. Sept. 13.