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Water pressure dips due to broken pipe

A broken water pipe reduced water pressure for Emmaus borough residents Aug. 25.

In an email to The Press, Emmaus Borough Manager Shane Pepe detailed the situation as follows:

“One of our major 10 inch water mains experienced a break on Friday morning.

“The borough received the call at 6 a.m. and discovered that our main storage tanks lost approximately six million gallons of water overnight due to the leak. This reduced water pressure in most of the community until our water department was able to isolate the leak.

“During the duration of the water leak, residents in the areas surrounding Sixth and North streets experienced low water pressure, however, the majority of the rest of the community did not experience a prolonged drop in pressure, as our water pumps across the community were able to continue to provide water to the residents.

“The water leak repair effort lasted approximately eight hours.

“Because of the quick isolation, and continued pressurized supply of water wells, and through consultation with the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, there was no need to issue a boil water advisory.”

An alert posted to the borough website 3:30 p.m. Aug. 25 detailed the leak as fixed and pressure restored.

Pepe wrote the size of the pipe factored into time needed to make repairs. Similar leaks usually take between four and six hours to fix, he said.