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Remaining ARPA funds directed to sewer fund.

The Lower Milford Township board of supervisors held its regular meeting Aug. 17 addressing a range of matters for consideration.

The meeting began with the customary call to order. The floor was then opened for public comments throughout the meeting. However, there were not many.

Minutes from the preceding regular meeting held July 20 were reviewed and subsequently approved. Following this, the township treasurer’s report was presented, outlining the financial standings across various funds as of July 31. These funds included the general fund, historical registry fund, sewer fund, capital reserve fund, fire fund, highway capital improvement, ARPA of 2021 fund, state liquid fuels tax account and developer escrow.

Following, the supervisors approved the payment of August bills.

The administrator’s report showed an August safety meeting on pesticides and continued work on the 21st annual fall festival, which included contacting vendors, working on the layout, sign updates and advertisement. There was much more work shown in her report, all following under planning, public works, finance and land use.

In public works, it was reported extensive road clearing and cleaning was done after multiple storms. Plus, the department is working to acquire a 1986 trailer.

There were two calls for the Macungie Ambulance.

A Lower Milford Fire Company representative reported they are still training on the new company truck and the fire company will hold a silent auction. Further information can be found on Facebook.

There were no updates from the Southern Lehigh Public Library.

Under the category of subdivision and land developments, it was shown no new subdivisions were proposed and no actions were taken in this domain.

There was only one item in old business. The board approved the purchase of a used paver. It is in good condition and will be very useful for the public works department.

New business occupied a substantial portion of the agenda.

First, the results of the state workers’ compensation “loss control survey” were presented. Township Administrator Emily Fucci reported all went well and a quarterly review will be ongoing.

Next, the supervisors approved American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 funds could be used for a sewer project in the amount of $9,200. There was a discussion on utilizing the ARPA funds for the remainder of 2023. It was decided the rest of the ARPA funds be utilized for the sewer fund.

A resident questioned why this needed to happen. It was explained by Supervising Chair Donna Wright there are not enough people that live within proximity to the sewer plant to raise enough money for the sewer fund. Wright said those residents are paying $1,200 a year for the sewer. Therefore, the ARPA funds would be of great use.

A 90-day salary adjustment for the administrative assistant was then approved. The employee received wonderful reviews from members of the board and was permanently hired.

There were three appeals for roof-mounted solar by residents of the area. No action was taken by the board.

Correspondence was then acknowledged.

First, Energy/Met Ed provided a “Notice to Property Owners” for transmission line right of way work. There was concern from the board over the use of enormous blades for the project. Council wanted it known traditional bucket trimming or another calm method would be better suited.

An open invitation was received to attend the opening ceremonies of the 171st Great Allentown Fair. An invitation was also received from the Department of Environmental Protection for public comment on a stream evaluation report for Hosensack Creek.

Concluding the session, the upcoming meeting schedule was referenced, directing attendees to the township’s website for detailed information. The next meeting will take place 6:30 p.m. Sept. 21.