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Lucky indeed

The day of a Coplay police officer is rich with the diversity of calls received at any time.

Officers adopt an ethic to “protect and serve.” In countless municipalities, this police credo extends beyond people.

Last week in Coplay, this couldn’t have been more true.

Meet Lucky, an at-large dog found at the Coplay Parkway. She is believed to be a pit bull mix, approximately 8-10 months old.

When picked up by officers, Lucky - named recently by borough staff - was not overly friendly as she was likely shy and very frightened.

Borough council, a number of years ago, erected a kennel behind the municipal building to temporarily hold an unidentified at-large dog. The police would house the dogs there for a few days. The dog would then either be claimed by its owner or transferred to an area pet shelter.

Coplay officials weren’t having much luck finding an owner this time, and shelters were full.

The news of Lucky’s stay in the borough spread via Facebook, as officials have shared updates for interested residents. Some have dropped off donations of food, treats and toys.

The Coplay Police Department has gone above and beyond in caring for her.

After a few days with officers, Lucky seems much more relaxed. Her tail wags when she sees them, and she is eager to play.

Police Chief Ryan Emerich arrived early to work last week to feed Lucky and take her for a morning walk. She spends the day inside the borough office.

Borough staff named her Lucky because since the animal shelters in the area were full and could not take her, she was fortunate to be surrounded by compassionate people in the Coplay Police Department, including police secretary Debbie Bailey, and borough Mayor Steve Burker.

Lucky, to date, has not been claimed by her owner.

Emerich has assembled adoption papers for residents interested in adopting Lucky. The adoption papers can be found at the borough office, 98 S. Fourth St., or by calling the police department.

PRESS PHOTO BY BILL LEINER JR. Coplay Mayor Steve Burker accepts a kiss from Lucky, who was found recently in the Parkway. The borough has rallied to provide her care - and playtime.
PRESS PHOTO BY BILL LEINER JR. Lucky settles in for the day at the Coplay Municipal Building. She remains unclaimed by her owner.