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Bath council seeks residents’ views on recycling

At the Aug. 7 Bath Borough Council meeting, Councilwoman Phyllis Andrews reported, in her environmental steering committee, the survey of residents to weigh in on their views of recycling in the borough is nearing completion.

Currently, J.P. Mascaro & Sons provides trash hauling in the borough, but recycling is not in the borough’s contract. Council took recycling out of the contract to reduce resident costs for trash pickup.

Bath Borough, because of its size, is not state mandated to recycle. However, many residents have a civic impulse to do so.

The survey being developed is to assess residents’ opinions about recycling and share thoughts on what a recycling program would look like in the borough. At a recent open meeting involving recycling options, there were discussions at length that included developing a survey of residents for their recycling thoughts.

In others news, Bath Fire Department leader Anthony Kovalovsky reported there were 34 fire department calls during July and 204 total fire calls for 2023.

The community and economic development committee leader, Councilman Frank Hesch, recommended residents visit the Bath Borough Facebook page to keep abreast of all the community activities happening in Bath. The Facebook page can be accessed directly by visiting the borough website, bathborough.org.

Mayor Fiorella Reginelli-Mirabito, in her report, said there has been an increase in resident calls to Pennsylvania State Police, which provides services to Bath residents.

The parks and recreation committee representative, Councilman Barry Fenstermaker, reported the committee is moving forward with the Bath Parks Comprehensive Plan.

Bath Museum liaison to council, Frank Hesch, reported the Bath Museum committee has an opening on the committee board. Interested residents to fill the role can contact the borough office at 610-837-1648 to apply.

Also at the meeting, council voted to approve resolution No. 2023-011 - the Nazareth Area Council of Governments Multimunicipal Implementation Agreement. Bath Borough is a member of the NAZCOG.

Another ordinance was No. 2023-730, a law that amends chapter 625 of the vehicles and traffic - adding a loading zone and creating a correctable violation provision relative to parking tickets issued for expired inspection.

Ordinance No. 2023-731 (a draft) amends chapter 651 on weeds - weeds shall not exceed curb line and eliminates provision requiring property owners from removing weeds from the gutter (between curb and street). This proposed ordinance was approved for advertising.

The next council meeting will be 6 p.m. Sept. 5 at borough hall. It is a hybrid meeting, with both in-person and virtual options. Visit the borough website to retrieve the access numbers to view virtually.