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Reph, Kids ‘ready to go’

Northampton’s Colby Reph believes he is quicker and stronger than last season, and he is ready to prove his point.

The senior center/defensive lineman also is ready to discount the deniers about his team being in contention for a district title. The Konkrete Kids scrimmaged Bethlehem Catholic last weekend and open the regular season against Allentown Central Catholic Friday.

“We’re all ready to go,” said Reph. “We have been going at it for a while, and we have a lot of confidence right now. We [were] pumped up to play Beca, and we will be tested against Central Catholic.

“We still feel that we don’t get the respect we deserve, and we’re ready to go out and prove we should.”

Reph credited the team’s offseason speed program in helping him raise his game.

“We had a lot of speed work, and it has paid off,” he said. “I know my 40 time is down from 5.9 to 5.5. I can feel that I am faster and quicker. My endurance has gotten better, and I really feel confident about everything.”

He credits head coach John Toman and his staff for his overall performance.

“There was a notable difference when coach Toman and his staff took over,” said Reph. “The line coaches worked with me, and I could see the changes in my game. The coaching styles were different, and I learned a lot about myself.”

Reph noted the influence of his older brother, Caden, who is currently playing at Muhlenberg.

“He was a big influence over me,” said the younger Reph. “I remember watching him play, and he helped me along the way. It was great that I was able to play with him when I was a sophomore.”

Reph also pointed to assistant coach Chad Henritzy, who also has provided a positive presence.

“He has been with me my whole life and has taught me everything I know about the game,” said Reph. “He was with me on the JV team, and I am glad that was able to step up to varsity. It has been an awesome experience.”

Reph has been in contact with several colleges, being in contact locally with Lehigh and Lafayette. He has decided on a major.

Since he was young, Reph has played on the line. He recalled winning three youth championships with many of his current teammates.

“That was one time I will always remember,” he said. “It was special to me, and it showed us how to win. Now, we all have to concentrate on winning a district championship.”