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Northampton council approves music, arts festival

At its Aug. 17 meeting, Northampton Borough Council heard from a group wanting to hold an equinox music and arts festival.

The event is scheduled for noon-8 p.m. Sept. 23. Council approved the event and the use of Municipal Park’s pavilions and the permanent band shell. This approval was a split vote 4-2-1 with one absence.

Council debated granting permission for this festival, with some council members citing security concerns and questioning what vendors would be there, what kind of music would be played, how many people would attend and who would be responsible for cleanup after the festival.

Borough Manager LeRoy Brobst said he would follow up with the group, suggesting security measures and emphasizing the importance of cleaning up after the event.

In other business, the Northampton Exchange Club requested and received permission to hold the Jack Frost Parade 7 p.m. Oct. 19.

A wastewater treatment employee provided his resignation to the office. A position posting will be placed on the borough website.

Councilman Kenneth Hall reported the franchise fee of $5,990.43 was received from Service Electric Cable TV. Hall also reported the interview process for the next junior council member is proceeding. It is expected a vote to accept the successful applicant will occur in September.

Councilwoman Judy Haldeman noted the last day of the Northampton pool operations for this season was Aug. 19.

Haldeman said the issues of improper functioning of the recreation center digital sign will be repaired when the electronic part arrives.

She added the Canal Street ballfield netting arrived and was installed. The netting extends about 15 feet above the ground level.

Councilwoman Bonnie Almond said the police bargaining unit contract talks are proceeding. She also reported one of the police vehicles was involved in a motor vehicle accident Aug. 9. The motorist reportedly failed to stop at a red light at Main Street and Laubach Avenue. No injuries were reported.

Council Vice President Ronald Glassic said the public works director, borough manager and the assistant borough manager met with representatives of UGI to review the repair schedule for East 10th Street, Washington Avenue, Lincoln Avenue, Dewey Avenue and East Seventh Street in the third ward.

Councilmen Anthony Lopsonzski and Glassic, along with Brobst, thanked Mayor Anthony Pristash for his efforts in leading the Hometown Heroes banners program.

Glassic requested some format be made available to those attending the meeting virtually in order to answer any questions they may have.

Council and Pristash applauded Assante Ristorante Italiano on 20 years of success in the borough. A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held Aug. 15.

They also applauded the hard work to develop and open the monarch butterfly waystation at the borough’s Canal Street Park.

Assistant Borough Manager Brian Welsco reported the borough’s newsletter will restart and be printed quarterly in September, December, March and June. He expects the new format will help residents easily find pertinent borough information.

The next Northampton Borough Council meeting is set for 7 p.m. Sept. 7 in the municipal building at 1401 Laubach Ave. It is a hybrid meeting, with both in-person and virtual options. Visit YouTube and type Northampton Council Meeting in the search box to access the meeting online.