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Land development approvals discussed in Upper Milford

The W.B Homes/South Shore Acquisitoins request to remove some properties from the Ag Security Area was approved by the Upper Milford Supervisors Aug. 3. The area in question is not being used for what it is designated, but rather for residential purposes. This is the first step in a process to remove the land from the Ag Security Area.

The approval of the motion means the township will now advise both the Ag Commission Security Area Advisory and Lehigh Valley Planning Commission of this change request.

In turn, they will proceed with the next steps of the process which include public recommendations and a public hearing, according to township Planning Coordinator Brian Miller.

Angela Ashbrook of the recreational committee explained the memorial program proposed. If established, residents will dedicate trees and park benches to memorialize a loved one.

Supervisors approved a request by Mary Engelman, on behalf of Engelman Associates, to withdraw the Indian Creek Industrial Park Subdivision Plan & Lot 10 land development.

They also approved the waiver requests and plan approval from Engelman Associates’ lot line adjustment proposal. The properties in question are 4650 and 4702 Indian Creek Road. The changes reflect recommendations/comments made back in June by Ott Consulting Inc.

For nearly 30 minutes, the board heard and discussed a preliminary plan approval for Fields at Twin Run. The proposal includes land for recreational use, including a walking path and a spray irrigation area. Water would be sprayed at designated times, taking into consideration rain volumes and water retention areas. The type and quality of sprinkler heads was also discussed.