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Fire protection for Macungie remains an issue

During the Aug. 21 Macungie Borough Council meeting, Macungie’s newest police officer was sworn in by Mayor Ron Conrad. Madisyn Einfalt was approved at the council meeting as a full-time police officer.

Police Officer Kyle Bernhard was recognized for coming to the aid of a woman who was unable to make it to the hospital to deliver her baby.

Members of the Lower Macungie Fire Department attended the council meeting with information about the possibility of becoming Macungie’s fire department. Chief Dave Nosal gave a presentation of the benefits Lower Macungie Fire Department has to offer. Nosal said they offer competence, capability and transparency. There are three stations: Brandywine, Wescosville and Alburtis.

Lower Macungie Fire Department holds insurance on all of their equipment. It is one company which understands fire equipment and provides the special insurance necessary to cover the needs of the fire department.

There is an incentive program to attract volunteers and retain them. Small monetary rewards are offered for attending training sessions, coming to meetings and coming out for work. The staffing is reviewed in January and July making sure the personnel are attending events when needed.

Equipment undergoes testing on a regular basis. A third party does an audit yearly and 100% of the annual state funds go right to Lower Macungie Fire Department.

Macungie borough would be divided into boxes with the railroad tracks being a central location. Anything north of the tracks, which is one box, would be for Brandywine Fire station. South of the tracks are two other boxes which would be covered by the other two stations. Further detailed information was provided in the event of different scenarios.

No decision was made at the meeting; however, there is serious consideration for this to happen.

Riya Patel from Girl Scout Troop 6931 sent council a thank-you note regarding her project for her Silver Award.

Lorraine Walters was appointed to the Borough Water Authority. It is a 5-year term and her term will end on March 31, 2028.

The fire hydrant adapter project has been updated. In 2023, 51 adapters have been ordered, delivered and installed. All borough owned hydrants have been retrofitted with appropriate hose adapters, completing this project.

The public works department requested funds for line painting at Brookfield Drive and Route 100. Funds were also needed for signs in the same area. The total requested is $9,875 for the striping and $1,238 for the signs. This was approved.

The public works department is also requesting funds for training for the water meter and billing responsibilities. The amount needed is $1,800. This was approved.

Conrad reminded residents Wheels of Time will be held this weekend in Macungie Park.

The Stone Hill Meadows Phase 3 stormwater management issues have made some progress. An Allen Organ representative attended this meeting. It was also noted there are discrepancies in some reports.

Excessive water is still a concern. There is a swale in an easement which is causing concern with no resolution as no one is taking on the problem.

There was an executive session held for legal issues and litigation.

PRESS PHOTO BY SHARON SCHRANTZ Macungie Police Officer Madisyn Einfalt takes the oath of office provided by Mayor Ron Conrad at the Aug. 21 Macungie Borough Council meeting.
Lower Macungie Fire Department administrative personnel provide a presentation at the Aug. 21 Macungie Borough Council meeting.