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Former AD’s role expands

The Aug. 8 Saucon Valley School Board meeting was remarkably brief, as is common for late Summer, clocking in at under 10 minutes.

Aside from routine personnel matters, the evening’s agenda was characteristically light, and only five of nine directors were present. Vice President Dr. Shamim Pakzad, Dr. Laurel Erickson-Parsons, Cedric Dettmar, and John Conte were absent, and Tracy Magnotta joined the meeting remotely.

The board approved 2023-24 building-level student handbooks for each of campus’ three buildings. Although director Bryan Eichfeld suggested addressing some inconsistencies in the respective dress codes among grade levels for the 2024-25 academic year, he did not withhold his vote to approve this year’s editions due to the concern.

The board also approved former Athletic Director Robert Frey as the new district Safety Coordinator. Frey, also recently confirmed as its first Director of Student and Community Relations, succeeds current Business Manager David Bonenberger in this role.

Former Athletic Director Robert “Bob” Frey was appointed district Safety Coordinator, in addition to his recent confirmation as Director of Student and Community Relations. Press photo from LinkedIn