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Splish, splash!

Melissa and Eric Schmitt and their daughters Juno (left) and Stella, of Coplay, are all packed up and ready to leave after a fun day at Northampton Municipal Swimming Pool, 1599 Laubach Ave., Aug. 9.
From left, Quinn Chanitz, Mariela Lao and Abaline Rosevelt take a jump into the pool together. All are from Northampton and will be headed to first grade for the 2023-24 academic year.
Enjoying their trip to the pool are, from left, Eloise, Erica and Emma Peters, of Northampton.
Noah West is about to make a flying splash into the pool with the help of his mom, Ashley West, of Northampton.
Northampton resident Jordan Tumini practices his diving skills.
After an afternoon of splashing and swimming, Angelo Dacquisto, of Northampton, works up an appetite for french fries from the refreshment stand.
Against the backdrop of the seascape mural at the Northampton pool, from left, twins Kennedy and Lincoln Skuba and their sister McKinley, of Northampton, sport their color-coordinated bathing suits and towels.
PRESS PHOTOS BY DONNA GEWERTZ What goes better with the pool than a snow cone? Jonah Guranich, of Northampton, enjoys the cool treat.