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Coplay begins process for unpaid trash bill penalties

Coplay Borough Council voted on and approved authorization for solicitors to begin the process of filing municipal liens and legal fees for unpaid garbage bills. This was one of several new business items discussed at the council meeting held Aug. 8.

At this month’s workshop meeting held Aug. 1, council members discussed submitting a bid on a used 2012 Ford F512 utility bucket truck, which would replace a 1986 bucket truck currently being used. On Aug. 8, council voted and approved the purchase of the truck if the bid came in under $59,000. The final bid amount was $58,137, so the truck has been bought. The money for this purchase was accounted for in the 2023 budget.

In other news, Coplay Fire Department will have security cameras installed by Audio Video Specialists in the amount of $12,948.

Amanda Segarra was approved to be hired by Coplay Police Department as a 32-hour part-time officer.

Also at the meeting, council voted on and approved an estimate from JANPRO Cleaning and Disinfecting in the amount of $1,700 for scrubbing and buffing of the borough hallway floors, the police station floors and bathroom floors. Also, the carpets in council chambers and in the office will be steam cleaned under this quote.

New fees have been agreed upon by council, and an official vote was taken to approve the fee schedule, which is resolution No. 1500. The new schedule will go into effect Sept. 1.

The next meeting - a workshop - will be 7 p.m. Sept. 5 at the municipal building, 98 S. Fourth St.