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Catasauqua police

Catasauqua police responded to these and other calls recently.


At Second and Middle streets, a citation was issued for a traffic violation.

Harassment by communication, involving a family issue, in the 200 block of Second Street was investigated.

Officers responded to a juvenile harassment complaint in the 300 block of Mulberry Street.


A driver was cited for a traffic violation at Hickory and Limestone streets.

An animal complaint was addressed at Fourth and Pine streets.

Juveniles trespassing on Front Street were reported.

A motor vehicle accident in the 500 block of Race Street had police at the scene.


A traffic violation occurred at Second and Wood streets with the driver cited.

Noise complaints were addressed at American and Mulberry streets and Bethlehem Road and Circle Drive.

Parking complaints were investigated in the 300 block of Peach Street, with two tickets issued; in the 100 block of Howertown Road; and the 200 block of Wood Street, with three tickets issued.

A suspicious male on private property in the 800 block of Bethlehem Road was reported.

The department said a runaway from the 100 block of Front Street was located.


Officers assisted a citizen for a complaint at the same residence in the 100 block of Bridge Street twice.

A juvenile missing from Whittier Place Apartments, 895 Walnut St., was later located.

Criminal mischief in the 500 block of Third Street was reported.

A reportable motor vehicle accident occurred at Lehigh and Main streets.

In the 200 block of High Street, a registration was stolen.


Police conducted a welfare check at Bridge and Front streets.

A traffic violation, with a verbal warning issued, occurred at Chestnut and Front streets.

A license plate was stolen in the 100 block of Howertown Road.

At Second and Walnut streets, a garbage truck was reportedly blocking the roadway.

An animal complaint in the 500 block of East Wood Street was addressed.