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Whitehall Parkway gets pavilion

A new pavilion is being built in the 110-acre Whitehall Parkway, adjacent to the parking lot off South Church Street.

The pavilion is in the area where Red Caboose No. 9 was displayed before it was relocated to the Ironton Rail Trail’s Chestnut Street trailhead July 28, 2012.

Almost nine years to the day, the pavilion is being raised in that spot.

The Parkway pavilion was first suggested by former Mayor Ed Hozza after the caboose was relocated. When an initial grant request was not successful, the project became dormant until 2018 when Commissioner Jeff Warren was approached by members of three groups that use the Parkway, inquiring about the project.

Since 2018, Warren has written grant narratives and worked with Tony Cocca, former recreation director, and grant administrator Chad Helmer to secure four grants totaling $326,000 toward the purchase and construction of the pavilion and cart path and parking lot enhancements.

Other contributors to the grant applications include Carl Lagler, township surveyor, and Keystone Consulting Engineers.

The pavilion will consist of Americans with Disability Act-compliant restrooms, a small storage area, a serving area for light concessions and a four-bay open-air, undercover seating area for picnic tables. When construction is complete, grading will be refined and cart paths installed to the parking lot. The plan also included an ADA-parking area and will be constructed in phases.

The pavilion is being constructed by Willow Playworks, which has experience installing pavilion kits and recreation facilities.

Whitehall Township Recreation Director Brandon Hibbler has been monitoring the progress.

According to Warren, state Rep. Jeanne McNeill, D-133rd; state Sen. Lisa Boscola, D-18th; and state Sen. Nick Miller, D-14th, and their staff offered support in securing the pavilion grants.

“Quality amenities attract active, community-minded families to Whitehall, sustain the neighborhoods and enhance quality of life,” he said.

CONTRIBUTED PHOTO A new pavilion is being constructed at Whitehall Parkway, off South Church Street.
CONTRIBUTED PHOTO Work is progressing on a new pavilion at Whitehall Parkway.