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Gary Day announces candidacy for state house

Republican Gary Day announced he is a candidate for the Republican nomination for state representative in 2024.

Current State Rep. Ryan Mackenzie announced he would not stand for re-election for the Commonwealth’s 187th legislative district, and Day said, “I’m offering my experience to the voters of the district and would be honored to serve them in this capacity again.”

Day served in Harrisburg already and has an established, conservative voting record. He said, “I expect to work on the issues that are important to the people of this district including, the economy, inflation, protecting children in our schools and ensuring freedoms of every constituent.”

Day has passed legislation helping homeowners and veterans. He wrote a version of the PennWATCH legislation that eventually became law for citizens to have transparency in state information. He was the chairman of a house select committee on school safety – the most bipartisan committee of the house and paved the way for the passage of laws to keep children safe in schools.

Day served as the chairman of the aging committee and worked to protect seniors from fraud and abuse, while being one of the state leaders keeping funding from being taken away from nursing homes. He served on the House Appropriations Committee and helped to keep spending down in Pennsylvania in the years before the state budget ballooned to where it is now.

Day served as a state representative before, so he will hit the ground running and be immediately available for constituents. His knowledge of Harrisburg will help him be able to know how to get things done for his constituents and their interactions with state government. He is married with three adult children and knows the value of having a strong economy to keep Pennsylvania as a great place to live, work and raise a family. He has lived in Upper Macungie Township and currently resides in Heidelberg Township, which have similar histories but have distinct differences that need to be addressed.

Having extensive private and public sector experience, he has a unique background to be effective on day one.

Day insists there is more work to do. “People are alarmed by inflation and an outright attack on their rights. People still come up to me and ask, ‘What can be done about this?’ I know what can be done and I will pledge to represent the people of this district with integrity and utilize my experience to carry their message to Harrisburg.”

Day said he wants to make room for anyone who wants to join his campaign. People should email repday@ptd.net with their ideas and interest to learn about the election process. Sharing this campaign with people, gives people the opportunity to participate.