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Coplay police

Coplay police responded to these and other calls recently.


A domestic incident in the unit block of North Fifth Street had police on the scene.

The department responded to a report of a man struck by a link in the chain from the swing in the borough tot lot on South Fifth Street.


Officers investigated a domestic disturbance in the 1100 block of Catherine Drive.

An animal complaint brought police to the unit block of South Second Street.

Police responded to a report of loud music in the 300 block of Cherry Street.


A stolen vehicle report brought police to the area of North Front and Bridge streets.

Officers responded to a complaint about a truck parked legally but making it difficult for drivers to pull out from Rose Alley.

Police assisted Whitehall officers in locating a male with Alzheimer’s wandering around Chestnut and Beech streets. He was found on North Sixth Avenue, Whitehall.

An officer initiated a traffic stop at North Front and Hokendauqua streets, Whitehall. The driver was transported to Lehigh County Central Booking Center to be processed for DUI.


Police investigated a report of suspicious activity in the parking lot at Saylor Park. A female will receive an open container citation in the mail, and a male will be charged for suspended driving, an open container and brass knuckles, police said.

The department investigated a complaint of a group of male youths running through the borough building and basement. Parents were notified, and there may be trespassing charges pending, police said.

An animal complaint in the 100 block of North Lehigh Street was investigated.

The theft of grill grates from a property in the 200 block of North Second Street was reported.

A driver was arrested for suspicion of DUI after officers assisted North Catasauqua police with a traffic stop in the area of Lehigh and Water streets, Whitehall.

Police investigated a noise complaint in the 5900 block of Coplay Road.


A report of a possible armed person in a state of suicidal crisis brought police to the 100 block of South Seventh Street. The individual reportedly suffers from PTSD, police said.


Traffic stops were conducted at North Ruch and Chestnut streets.


An attempted break-in in the 100 block of South Fifth Street was investigated.

A resident reported people parking at Saylor Park and performing sexual activities in their vehicle.

Officers responded to suspicious activity at the municipal pool, 2 Keefer St.

Police investigated a scam incident in the 100 block of North Ruch Street.


Two noise complaints for the same residence in the unit block of Magna Drive brought police to the scene.

Officers investigated a report of harassment in the unit block of North Fourth Street.

Motor vehicle accidents brought police to the 200 block of Chestnut Street and the 200 block of Maple Street.

A lost dog at Schreiber Avenue and Pink Alley was reported. The dog was returned to its owner.

A welfare check was conducted in the 200 block of Chestnut Street.

Police investigated a suspected bank account hack in the unit block of South Seventh Street.

The department responded to a power outage causing the traffic light at North Second and Chestnut streets to stop working.

Suspicious activity in the 1000 block of Chestnut Street was reported.

Officers responded to a noise complaint in the unit block of North Front Street.


Police investigated a domestic incident in the unit block of South Second Street.

The department investigated a noise complaint at Second and Chestnut streets.


Officers responded to a report of a found miniature crossbow arrow in the unit block of Saylor Drive. The resident who found the arrow was concerned the pool in his backyard was the target.


Police investigated a report of unwanted sexual text messages in the unit block of North Second Street.

A suspicious vehicle in the 100 block of South Third Street was reported.


Officers investigated a disturbance in the 200 block of South Second Street.

The department responded to a report of a minor vehicle collision in the 1100 block of Bernice Drive.

A dog found in the area of South Ninth and Coplay streets was returned to its owner.

A resident reported a stray kitten in the 5900 block of Coplay Road. The Sanctuary at Haafsville was called.

Police were requested to help remove a resident’s daughter’s boyfriend from a residence in the 1100 block of Oak Street. The resident was told this is a civil matter and would need to speak with the local magistrate.


A domestic disturbance in the 100 block of South Ninth Street brought police to the scene.

Officers responded to a report of a domestic disturbance in the 100 block of North Ruch Street.

A male making suicidal threats in the 200 block of South Front Street was investigated.

A security check was conducted at the Saylor Park museum, 245 N. Second St.

Police responded to a report of a disturbance in the unit block of South Seventh Street.


Officers responded to a report of juveniles fighting in the unit block of South Second Street.

A welfare check was conducted in the 100 block of South Ninth Street.


A verbal domestic incident brought police to the 100 block of Coplay Street.

Police responded to a report of eggs being thrown at a residence in the 200 block of South Second Street.

An ongoing harassment complaint in the 100 block of North Front Street was investigated.

A suspicious vehicle in the area of Bernice and Catherine drives was reported.

Officers investigated a possible DUI in the unit block of North Third Street.


A domestic incident brought police to the 1100 block of Oak Street.

Police investigated a report of a suspicious vehicle on South Third Street.

A driver was charged with possession of dangerous nonnarcotic drugs during a traffic stop at South Second and Hokendauqua streets.

A resident complained another man tried to pick a fight with him in the unit block of North Second Street. The incident was documented.

Officers investigated a report of trespassing in the unit block of North Third Street.

The department responded to noise complaints in the unit block of South Second Street.

Officers received a note at headquarters from a Northampton resident alleging his brother is a rapist with details on how he targets and abuses his alleged victims. It was reported the Northampton resident is known to have mental health episodes and is being investigated for other crimes in the borough, police said, adding no known information in Pennsylvania was found for the brother.


Police responded to a possible DUI at Second and Main streets for a vehicle driving all over the road. The vehicle traveled from Coplay to Whitehall to North Catasauqua before being pulled over in Catasauqua. The driver was reported not DUI, just lost, police said.