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Reading makes you feel good!

Incoming Superintendent of BASD schools Dr. Jack Silva visited the Bethlehem Area Public Library’s Main Branch on Church Street to read to children. Seven families attended.

Silva was accompanied by Communications Coordinator Barbara Clymer and Supervisor for Literacy Kim Harper. They brought BASD swag with them, including pens, pencils and highlighters with the BASD logo.

Observing that the children were all very young, Dr. Silva said, “I see future Kindergareteners here.”

He added “This is the most important thing on my calendar today. I believe reading is most important thing we teach in school.”

Silva read three stories, chosen with help from the Miss Dana for their shortness as was appropriate for the age of the audience.

The first story was “Reading Makes You Feel Good,” a colorful story.

Next was “All Are Neighbors.“ Silva introduced the story by talking about his childhood neighbors, saying “When I was young and my mom was busy my neighbors would look out for me.”

The final story was “Today is a Beach Day!” Silva asked the children if they had been to the beach.

Silva thanked everyone for coming, and said “It does me good to reconnect with the families.”

Milo and Benjamin play together before Story Time started.
Dr. Jack Silva reads from a very colorful “Reading Makes You Feel Good “ storybook.
press photos by lani goins Milo and Arianna listen to Dr. Jack Silva reading. To Dr. Silva's left is a table of BASD items parents could take home.
SILVA 4: Milo (gray shirt) and Benjamin (green shirt) were captivated by “Today is a Beach Day!”.