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Swearing-in ceremony held for three new police officers

Three new Salisbury Township police officers took their oaths of duty in a ceremony attended by family, well-wishers and township police officers, commissioners and other officials.

“This is the first time since 2001 that we’ve sworn in three officers,” Salisbury Township Chief of Police Donald Sabo said before the July 27 swearing-in held in the township municipal building meeting room.

Magisterial District Judge Michael J. Pochron administered the oaths simultaneously to William Solly, Kyle Smith and Eric Laub.

Afterward, family members walked forward to the line of the three officers to affix police pins on the respective officers’ uniforms.

Eric Laub’s mother Donna Smith affixed his pin.

William Solly’s grandmother Barbara Solly placed his pin.

Kyle Smith’s wife Mary Kate Smith, attached his pin.

“It’s the first time since Chief Stiles that we have full staffing,” Sabo said to township commissioners.

Following the ceremony, commissioners held its regular township meeting, beginning with the first order of business, that of approving $235,253.03 in bills payable.

In other business, commissioners voted unanimously 5-0 to approve:

- Resolution to authorize execution of a traffic signal maintenance agreement with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. Commissioner Alex Karol made the motion, seconded by Commissioners Vice President Rodney Conn.

“Municipalities typically have maintenance agreements with PennDOT. It came to light that we didn’t,” Salisbury Township Manager Cathy Bonaskiewich said before the vote.

“They [PennDOT] are replacing all five lights down Cedar Crest at no charge to us,” Salisbury Township Director, Public Works Jim Levernier said before the vote.

- Motion to award road equipment rental with operators’ bid to Bracalente Construction, Northampton. Commissioner Heather Lipkin made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Alok Patnaik.

“We prepared the bids per Jim’s [Levernier] requirements,” Stan Wojciechowski, PE, CME, department head, municipal engineering services, Barry Isett & Associates, Salisbury Township consulting engineers, said before the vote.

“It gives us a lot more flexibility,” Levernier said before the vote.

Karol asked about the $240,000 cap for the bid. The amount includes materials.

Salisbury Township Recreation Director Genny Baillie said of the summer playground program, which concluded July 21, “We had a very successful program.”

There were 130 youths at Lindberg Park, 100 at Laubach Park, 12 at Devonshire Park and five at Green Acres.

Salisbury Commissioners’ President Deb Brinton asked about the replacement of visibly-faded street signs in the township.

“We replaced abut 100, but there are hundreds and hundreds of signs,” Levernier said.

Upcoming township meetings, 7 p.m. in the municipal building, 2900 S. Pike Ave., include: Aug. 9, zoning hearing board; Aug. 10, board of commissioners; Aug. 16, environmental advisory council; Aug. 23: planning commission and Aug. 24, board of commissioners.

Salisbury Township Officer Kyle Smith, Salisbury Township Officer Eric Laub, Salisbury Township Officer William Solly and Salisbury Township Chief of Police Donald Sabo stand for a photo at the swearing-in ceremony July 27.
Magisterial District Judge Michael J. Pochron, right, administers the oath to, from left, Eric Laub, William Solly and Kyle Smith at the July 27 swearing-in ceremony for the three new Salisbury Township police officers.
PRESS PHOTOs BY PAUL WILLISTEIN Salisbury Township Police Officers receiving their pins, from left: Eric Laub, from his mother, Donna Smith; William Solly, from his grandmother, Barbara Solly and Kyle Smith, from his wife, Mary Kate Smith.