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County council appoints Parsons new controller

Northampton County Council, at its July 20 meeting, narrowly appointed Scott Parsons as controller, a seat left vacant due to the June 30 death of Richard “Bucky” Szulborski.

Parsons previously served on county council. He will hold the office for the remainder of Szulborski’s term.

A new controller will be elected in November. Councilmembers Tara Zrinski and John Cusick are candidates for that position in the general election.

In other business, council unanimously approved an ordinance amending its code of ethics.

County Executive Lamont McClure initially proposed a “gift ban” in April. According to the ordinance, no elected county official or employee shall solicit cash or a cash equivalent, gifts or other items more than de minimis value or personal loans.

The gift ban allows limited exceptions, including plaques, certificates or similar items for recognition of work, any ceremonial award, food and or refreshments of de minimis value, reimbursements for travel and necessary subsistence and unsolicited advertising, promotional or educational materials.

“It is in the county’s best interest to update and strengthen the county gift ban to ensure that we retain the public’s trust and confidence,” McClure said after the council vote.

Finally, council approved, by a 6-3 vote, another term limit referendum question, this one pertaining to the district attorney. The ordinance, as written, proposed limiting the district attorney to two four-year terms.

Councilwoman Lori Vargo-Heffner had earlier proposed an amendment limiting the attorney to four four-year terms.

County council will next meet 6:30 p.m. Aug. 3 in the county government building, 669 Washington St., Easton.