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Jimmie Rivera honored as 2023 Unsung Hero


Special to The Press

Lehigh County’s Office of Aging and Adult Services celebrated May 17 with its 23rd annual tribute to Unsung Heroes at Fellowship Community, Whitehall Township.

The presentations were made by Clayton Reed Jr., executive director of the Office of Aging and Adult Services, county Executive Phillips Armstrong and Secretary of Pennsylvania Department of Aging Jason Kavulich.

According to information provided by the Office of Aging and Adult Services, Jimmie Rivera was one of 18 Lehigh County residents and a group of nine people honored as part of the tribute.

This tribute, in honor of Older Americans Month, celebrates older adults in the Lehigh Valley who have displayed exceptional generosity with their time and talents to enrich the lives of others in the community.

During this annual recognition ceremony, each honoree received a certificate from Lehigh County Aging and Adult Services, a certificate from the Pennsylvania Department of Aging, and citations from their local legislators.

They also received a book on the history of Lehigh County, an Unsung Hero pin, and Unsung Hero yard sign and flowers.

According to their tribute written by written by Jessica Lee Ortiz:

“Who is Jimmie Rivera? Well, on a brisk spring day a man rang our doorbell, carrying water and snacks. As we arrived home, he said to us, “Can I tell you a story?”

“My husband and I were intrigued, so we listened. Battling many of the same life struggles and obstacles as ourselves, it was amazing to us how this stranger sat on our porch to bear his soul to us, telling us about all he had been through.

“Even more impressive was how much he had accomplished. Then a spark hit me, and I realized he was the man that rode on the firetruck every Christmas to give out free trees and groceries and hosted an amazing Christmas celebration.

“My husband was very moved by Mr. Rivera’s story. A few weeks later, a story was published featuring Mr. Rivera, and my husband hung it up on the fridge.

“This began the planning of our own vision and mission. My husband was later incarcerated, and we often discussed Mr. Rivera’s story and how inspiring it was, giving us hope.

“As years passed, I became more aware of Mr. Rivera’s countless good deeds, from providing food, shelter and employment for homeless people, creating a clean team for the city, and hosting community events year-round.

“Mr. Rivera has been a vital participant in many community conversations about solutions, improving relations, and uplifting our community.

“He attends city and county meetings and provides input while advocating for the people in the community. All of this is in addition to his service to his church, where he offers even more outreach, services and solutions to his congregation.

“He has managed to impact the youth in a way that many will never understand. I have met with mothers who cried tears of joy because Mr. Rivera took the time to take a risk and save their child’s life.

“He has personally removed hundreds of guns from our streets, creating a safer space for all. He has mentored dozens, if not hundreds of individuals in our community, and so much more.

“It had been several years since I had seen Mr. Rivera. For several years, we attended city council meetings, advocating for issues in our community about safety and youth violence.

“My husband and Mr. Rivera scheduled a coffee meeting to share the impact Mr. Rivera had on our lives.

“The emotion in his eyes was so refreshing to see, without words he said he was proud of us. He also expressed his feelings, and then gave us words of strength and encouragement!

“Uplifting and letting us know that serving the community is not always easy, but necessary. He offered his time and commitment to us personally, professionally and spiritually if we wanted or needed it.

“What makes him inspiring? Mr. Rivera battled addiction and won and went on to help others conquer their battles related to addiction, and other life obstacles!

“What makes him courageous? Mr. Rivera has looked death in the face. It is not easy to take a gun from anyone and keep it off the streets.

“It is not easy to walk the streets unarmed, trying to help people be free from addiction, gangs, or any of life’s obstacles, but he does.

“Why is he unusual? There are many groups, organizations and people doing the things he does, but often Mr. Rivera has done it alone!

“Another thing that makes his work different is his story. Many people with a beginning like his do not have a happy ending, but he has changed his narrative.

“Why is he innovative? Everything about Mr. Rivera is innovative, every idea he has is unconventional and outside the box.

“Mr. Rivera is dedicated, tenacious and motivated to offer solutions and opportunities to those who haven’t had access to them.

“His love for his family, congregation and community is no secret, and can be easily spotted in just seconds of meeting Mr. Rivera.

“Mr. Rivera is the true definition of a community hero!

PRESS PHOTO BY LOU WHEELAND Clayton Reed Jr., executive director of Lehigh County Aging and Adult Services, County Executive Phillips Armstrong, and Jason Kavulich, secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Aging with (third from left) Jimmie Rivera, of Allentown, at the Unsung Heroes tribute May 17 at Fellowship Community, Whitehall.