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Vendors still needed for fall festival

The Board of Supervisors for Lower Milford Township held its monthly meeting July 20.

The meeting began without public comment.

There was an announcement of two executive sessions held July 18 for personnel and July 20 for litigation.

The June 15 meeting minutes, township treasurer’s report and July bills were all authorized and approved without discussion. The general bills totaled $41,062.23.

The administrator’s report, zoning report and administrative assistant report were also approved. Work on the 21st annual fall festival was a highlight. There are 36 currently booked vendors with five food vendors scheduled for attendance. The township is still accepting others.

In public works, curbs were paved on Urffers Road and potholes were repaired on Greenhouse Lane. Repairs on Dillingersville Road were a focus this past month for the road team as well.

The Macungie Ambulance Corps responded to 423 calls in the month of June. Seven calls were to Lower Milford Township.

The Lower Milford Fire Company No. 1 submitted its biyearly report. There were 76 incidents reported in the past half-year. Luckily, 22 were dispatched and canceled en route. A representative also said the fire company is looking to organize a few more fundraisers in the upcoming months. More information will come along later.

The meeting moved to old business.

The first item was an authorization for the township engineer to review the potential easement locations to discuss with the owner of a County Line Road property. This will provide the township with more information on the lot details. For years, the township has wanted to build a driveway to a township property currently landlocked. The plan is to use the area as a dumping area for designated materials.

The next item was the release of first and second quarter library donations. The board said there has been an issue in the communication of information and data with the Southern Lehigh Library. Supervisors Ellen Koplin and Donna Wright moved to release the donation funds. Supervisor Lowell Linde voted no, feeling the library has not treated the township correctly. Koplin explained some bizarre numbers and figures were presented to them on Lower Milford residents’ library usage. She mentioned other townships have committees looking to remediate library relations.

There were three items in new business.

First, the removal of James Stenroos and Douglas Shaw as seasonal on-call employees was approved. They had not been called for work in about three years. Additionally, a new hire was approved for a public works laborer position.

The last item was a proposal to purchase a 2018 Mauldin 690G gravity paver. The piece of equipment cost $48,500. A trailer would also need to be purchased to transport the paver. It was decided, if possible, the trailer purchase comes out of the liquid fuels fund and the paver purchase comes out of the general fund.

There was a lengthy discussion on which fund the board should use to make these purchases. There are costly sewer repairs that need to be addressed fast and the American Rescue Plan Act funds will be needed for that future project. There may be later resolutions that amend the source of funding.

The last item was a zoning hearing board request brought forth about a piece of property requesting a special exemption for manufacturing on the property. The board decided to send the solicitor to the hearing to argue this request be denied.

The meeting was then adjourned. The next meeting will be held 6:30 p.m. Aug. 17. The address of the Lower Milford Township Building is 7607 Chestnut Hill Church Road.