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Part-time police officer hired

At the July 24 Macungie Borough Council meeting, sidewalks on Church Street were discussed. There have been two appeals heard by the planning commission.

One resident has a problem with The Americans with Disabilities Act ramp. The planning commission said the borough should fix this.

The second resident filed an appeal to extend the deadline. The planning commission denied the request; however, no further decision was made at this time. All letters have been sent.

The borough has checked on reputable contractors to install the sidewalks. Bids have been received.

John Yerman has resigned from the planning commission effective July 24. Glenn Granitz Jr. has been appointed with the term ending March 31, 2025.

Council approved the hiring of a new patrol officer. Madisyn Einfalt has been hired as a part-time 30-hour patrol officer.

The Main Street crosswalk has malfunctioning lights. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation has approved the removal of the lighting system which involves removing a pipe under the street. The removal will be done shortly with lane closures. Tractor trailers will be detoured from Main Street. With this being completed, the bump on Main Street will be eliminated.

Council received a letter from Macungie Volunteer Fire Department regarding the request for the audit to be completed by July 31. Treasuer Nicole Gilleo and President and Assistant Chief Tim Keller said the former treasurer has not given the key information to the Quick Books account to Gilleo or Filomena Silverstri from Financial Related Services LLC, which is hindering the processing of the audit.

The borough is requiring the audit prior to the release of additional money.

There was an executive session for real estate, legal and personnel issues.

The next meeting will be held 7:30 p.m. Aug. 7 at the Macungie Institute, 510 E. Main St., Macungie.