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Dip-n-Dance festivities

Northampton Municipal Pool lifeguard Andrew Szeplaki practices for his upcoming season on Northampton Area High School's diving team as he takes his afternoon break during the pool's July 18 Dip-n-Dance.
Raegan Reeves, of Northampton, takes flight from the high diving board during the event.
Gianni Rizzuto, of Northampton, is ready for fun.
Josiah Hippert, of Northampton, tests how low he can go during a game of limbo, officiated by Dan Wade of D.H. Productions.
Nina Nederostek, of Whitehall, enjoys the cool water.
Jaxxon Menzel, of Lehigh Township, exits the slide as his mom, Kaylena Menzel, watches.
Attendees compete in a water balloon toss.