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Valley Youth House: Host families sought

Valley Youth House, a leading nonprofit organization dedicated to providing support and shelter for vulnerable youth, is pleased to announce the expansion of its Host Homes program across the Lehigh Valley. As part of this expansion, Valley Youth House is actively seeking compassionate individuals and families to serve as host homes, offering temporary housing for youth aged 16 to 21 who are experiencing housing instability.

In the past, Valley Youth House had Host Homes available exclusively in Allentown. However, recognizing the need to extend its reach and provide support to more young individuals in need, the organization has expanded its host homes program to encompass the entire Lehigh Valley region.

Host Homes provide a crucial alternative to shelters, offering a safe and supportive environment for young people who may find themselves without stable housing. Through this program, youth are matched with carefully selected and screened host families who open their homes and hearts to these individuals. The program also assigns a dedicated life-skills counselor who works closely with the youth, providing guidance and support as they navigate their transition into adulthood.

“Valley Youth House believes that every young person deserves a safe place to call home, and our Host Homes program plays a critical role in achieving that,” Christina DiPierro, program coordinator at Valley Youth House said. “We are excited to extend this program across the Lehigh Valley and are actively seeking compassionate individuals and families who can make a real difference in the lives of these young people.”

Prospective host families undergo a thorough screening process, which includes fingerprinting, to ensure the safety and well-being of the youth. Additionally, before a youth moves into a host home, the potential host family and the youth have the opportunity to meet and establish a connection, creating a sense of trust and belonging from the very beginning.

Youth enrolled in the Host Homes program will receive individualized support to address their unique needs and aspirations. The program aims to empower these young individuals, providing them with the necessary tools and resources to achieve long-term stability and success.

Since its inception in 2021, the Host Homes program has already demonstrated its potential to create lifelong connections between host families and youth.

Valley Youth House invites interested individuals and families to consider becoming a Host Home and making a lasting difference in the lives of vulnerable youth. To learn more about the program and apply to become a Host Home, visit ValleyYouthHouse.org or contact Christina DiPierro at 484-280-3381.