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District OKs salaries


Special to The Press

The Parkland School Board recently approved salaries for central office administration, Act 93 personnel and executive/confidential administrative assistants for the 2023-24 term.

Superintendent Dr. Mark Madson will receive $189,024.

Assistant Superintendent Dr. Michelle Minotti will be paid $157,166, and Assistant Superintendent Timothy Chorones will earn $141,110.

Director of Business Administration and board Secretary Leslie Frisbie, will receive $169,909.

The Act 93 group of administrative personnel includes directors of major departments, principals, psychologists, numerous specialists and coordinators, supervisors of special education, executive assistants, the garage foreman, and various other positions of authority.

Act 93 employees are not members of the teachers’ union or the support professionals association.

The board approves Act 93 and central administration salaries before the start of each new school year.

On June 20, the board announced several appointments and administrative changes effective July 1 at the start of the fiscal year.

Dr. Anthony Naradko was promoted to include school services, in addition to his position as director of safety and security.

He will oversee management of the student transportation system, along with continued leadership in safety and security.

Art Oakes was appointed director of facilities and operations to replace Dave Keppel, who is retiring.

Nicole Mehta McGalla has been promoted from director of community relations and development to director of communications and community engagement.

McGalla reports she will strive to streamline communication of district messages to staff, students and the community through social media and other forms of notification.

Erik Troutman has moved up from project manager to assistant director of facilities and operations.

Esmir Becirovic was promoted from senior network administrator to supervisor of cybersecurity and network operations.

He will work to safeguard information system assets, evaluate current and future threats, and coordinate responses to actual threats.

Andy Stephens was promoted from social studies teacher/assistant athletic director to athletic director, replacing Bill Dreisbach. who is retiring.

Nine individuals have been listed for the superintendent’s cabinet in 2023-24.

They include Oaks; Nara; McGalla; Pamela Kelly, director of human resources; Andrew Weber, director of special education; Matthew Carlson, director of student services; Kelly Rosario, director of teaching and learning, elementary; Jason Henry, director of teaching and learning, secondary; and Thomas Derhammer, director of technology.