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Whitehall police

Whitehall police responded to these and other calls recently.


Detectives investigated a Child Line referral in the 3300 block of Carbon Street.

Police were on the scene of a mental health call in the 1200 block of North 13th Street.

Animal complaints on Main Street and at Florida Avenue and Crest Drive were investigated.

Officers responded to alarms on Dewey Street and Eberhart Road.

Suspicious activity on Eberhart and MacArthur roads, Broad Street and at Bridge Street and Cypress Lane had police at the scenes.

The department performed a public service at MacArthur and Mechanicsville roads and on Zephyr Boulevard.


Officers were on the scene of a mental health call in the 900 block of Mickley Road.

Disturbances on Madison Lane and Main Street were investigated.

Police responded to alarms on Robert and Grape streets, Linden Lane and MacArthur Road.

Welfare checks were conducted on Maryland Circle and Third Street.

Suspicious activity at Pershing Boulevard and Fifth Street was reported.


Police were on the scene of a death investigation in the 1200 block of Washington Street.

A mental health call in the 2400 block of MacArthur Road was investigated.

Officers responded to a disturbance in the 1800 block of Schadt Avenue.

An animal complaint brought police to Willow and Main streets.

The department responded to alarms on Gallagher Road and Crescent Court West.

Welfare checks were conducted on Third and North Poplar streets.


Officers responded to disturbances on Washington Avenue, Pennsylvania Street, Fernhill Lane, Sunset Drive and at Lehigh Valley Mall.

A mental health call in the 1200 block of Ridge Avenue brought police to the scene.

Welfare checks were conducted on Main, West Union and Sixth streets and at Fullerton Avenue and Route 22.

A parking complaint in the 3500 block of Limestone Drive was investigated.

The department responded to a report of reckless driving at MacArthur Road and Fairmont Avenue.


Officers investigated an animal complaint at Third and Grape streets.

Police responded to alarms on Seventh Street, Belmont Circle and MacArthur Road.

The department performed a public service in the 1100 block of Third Street.

A parking complaint brought police to the 3200 block of Prydun Drive.


Detectives investigated Child Line referrals on Lehigh Street and MacArthur Road.

Disturbances occurred on Seventh Street and Mechanicsville Road.

An alarm brought police to Fellowship Drive.

Suspicious activity on Park Street and MacArthur Road was reported.

A wanted person in the 2600 block of MacArthur Road was investigated.

The department performed a public service in the 3100 block of Lehigh Street.


Disturbances on Washington Street, Catasauqua Avenue and MacArthur Road were investigated.

Police were on the scene of an animal complaint in the 1400 block of Andrew Drive.

The department responded to alarms on Eberhart Road and Grape Street.

Welfare checks were conducted on Gentle Hollow Drive, at Grape and Third streets and at MacArthur and Eberhart roads.

Suspicious activity on Carolina Avenue and Mickley Road was reported.

The department performed a public service in the 800 block of Fernhill Lane.


Officers investigated disturbances in the 2100, 2300 and 2500 blocks of MacArthur Road.

Welfare checks were conducted on MacArthur Road, Maryland Circle and Woodbury Lane.

Police investigated a parking complaint at Lehigh Valley Mall.

Security checks were conducted on Ammon Way and MacArthur Road.

The department performed public services on West Highland Street and MacArthur Road.