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Moore Township: Rec group meeting planned for July 20

The next recreation committee meeting is set for 7 p.m. July 20 at the recreation center, 635 English Road.

The committee’s goals are to assist Moore children and families. Consider supporting their important work.


Klecknersville Rangers Volunteer Fire Department is holding a polka dance at the fire department social hall, 2718 Mountain View Drive, July 22.

Doors open 5 p.m., with dinner 5:30 p.m. and music 7-10 p.m. The Ultimate Sound is entertaining.

There is a cost for the meal, which includes a baked chicken dinner, beer, soda and wine.

For tickets and other information, call Stacy 610-837-3465.


Bingo is held 7 p.m. every Tuesday in the social hall at Klecknersville Rangers Volunteer Fire Department. Doors open 5:30 p.m.

The kitchen is open, so no outside food is allowed.

There will be secret prizes, a progressive jackpot, rob the piggy bank, wash line bingo and more.


The Moore Township Community Days committee has a number of events planned throughout the summer.

The concerts in the park entertainment July 28 is still to be announced. Concerts will be held at the recreation center.

Visit mooretownship.org for more information on events.


Moore Township Land and Environmental Protection Board meets 7 p.m. Aug. 14 at the recreation center pavilion. The board works to preserve farmland and open space to keep the rural nature and beauty of the township.


Moore Township Historical Commission is planning its annual Octoberfest. The event will be held 5 p.m. Oct. 12 in the social hall at Klecknersville Rangers Volunteer Fire Company.

The next meeting will be 1 p.m. Aug. 15. Contact the Moore Township office for the location of the meeting.


First Regional Compost Authority is open six days a week for you to get mulch.

Visit frcaweb.org or call 610-262-1000 for hours of operations. Take advantage of FRCA to beautify your property.


If you want to place information or announcements in this column, email billleiner@aol.com or text or call Bill Leiner at 610-751-2745.