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Founder’s Day celebration July 29

Emmaus Borough Council met July 17 without public comment.

During the community minute, Councilwoman Teri Sorg-McManamon announced an upcoming Emmaus Founder’s Day celebration hosted at Emmaus Moravian Church July 29, with doors opening 5:15 p.m. The event will serve as a fundraiser supporting the 1803 House and Knauss Homestead.

Next, Councilman Roy Anders encouraged support for local youth sports and directed interested parties to visit the Emmaus Youth Association website for more information on how to get involved or provide assistance to the local sports community.

In the decision on bids portion of the meeting, Executive Building Services secured the janitorial services contract for borough hall, the police department, public works facilities, and central station. The contract, spanning three years with potential extensions through six years, comes at an initial cost of $4,450. Additionally, the bituminous seal coating project was awarded to Asphalt Maintenance Solutions for $23,650.

Under communications, a request was received for the Fifth Street Cross Event at the Emmaus Compost Center, a cyclocross and run series planned for Thursday nights in August. However, the approval is pending submission of proof of insurance.

A street closure request for a Fernwood Street Block Party 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Aug. 26 was also received. The proposed closure area is from Eagle Street to Fox Street on Fernwood Street.

The last item was a letter of resignation from the remaining two members of the Shade Tree Commission. It was brought up by Borough Manager Shane Pepe the commission be disbanded and its responsibilities be absorbed by a different department/commission. Further decisions on this matter are expected to be addressed in future meetings.

During new business, the first reading of Ordinance 1245: Floodplain took place. The ordinance establishes floodplain areas in the borough, outlines regulations for uses, activities and development and sets penalties for violations. The biggest changes will likely be fees. The first reading was approved by the council.

Mayor Lee Ann Gilbert’s report announced Proclamation 2023-566, designating July 30 as Founder’s Day for the Borough of Emmaus. On July 30, 1747, 44 individuals established a Moravian congregation that eventually evolved into the democratic community known as Emmaus.

The meeting proceeded with a request from Emmaus Commerce Center for a security reduction, amounting to $74,894.62, for completed work.

In parks and recreation, Justin Fulmer was appointed to the recreation and entertainment commission, serving until June 7, 2026.

In general administration, purchase approval of security lot cameras to be installed at the new downtown parking lot was noted. The Emmaus Police Department will monitor the cameras.

Comcast Senior Director of Government and Regulatory Affairs Brian Jeter was present at the meeting. The Comcast Franchise Agreement was up for discussion. Following some negotiations over language, the agreement was approved. Jeter said Comcast is aiming to begin construction within 60 days.

The bill list totaled $1,619,527.02.

The 151 East Minor Street Lease Agreement, housing East Penn Neighbors Helping Neighbors, was formally approved.

To close the meeting, Pepe announced the hiring of Michael Himes as a part-time firefighter 2 - EMT, a previous employee of the borough.

With no further items on the agenda, the meeting concluded with an executive session.

The next meeting is scheduled 6 p.m. Aug. 21.