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Borough hires lifeguards, desk employees for pool

Coplay Borough Council approved the hiring of three new lifeguards and two new desk employees for the pool at its regular meeting July 11. The count for both positions was down due to employees resigning.

Councilman Mark Molitoris indicated the pool lottery fundraiser for June 2023 yielded a profit of $4,045.

In other business, a motion was made to approve the borough’s proposed MS4 pollution reduction plan, which was recommended by Acela, the engineering firm used by the borough. After council voted, the motion was carried unanimously.

According to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation website, the MS4 plan “protects water quality and satisfies the appropriate water quality requirements of the Clean Water Act and the Pennsylvania Clean Streams Law.”

Coplay Public Library received approval to hold a fundraiser, on a date yet to be determined in September, where the library will partner with Vince’s Cheesesteaks Food Truck.

An item added to the agenda on the night of the meeting entailed increasing the sign-on bonus from $3,000 to $10,000 per candidate for a maximum of three individuals who would be put through the police academy. The funds proposed for this bonus are already present in the current police budget.

Before the vote, Mayor Steve Burker and Councilman Charles Sodl, the emergency services chairman, expressed their support of Chief Ryan Emerich and the borough police officers and recognized their efforts to protect the community.

Council also approved the hiring of Isaac Jiminez to a part-time police officer position.

A motion was made to approve a bid from Charles D. Herman Inc. in the amount of $104,252.50 for the Sixth Street paving project. This motion carried and is dependent on the approval of the project engineer.

The next borough council meeting, a workshop, is scheduled for 7 p.m. Aug. 1 at borough hall, 98 S. Fourth St.