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Stone Hill Meadows observations revealed

At the July 10 Macungie Borough Council meeting, discussion continued over the water issues with Stone Hill Meadows.

Borough Engineer Stan Wojciechowski created a list of requests after field observations were made. A collection point in the field upstream of the walking path to divert stormwater channeled through the trees into the infiltration basin. The walking path near Willow Street should be re-pitched to keep the water in the new swale.

There are some trees in the buffer zone that will be impacted and must be replaced. There is an erosion problem in the township’s retention pond. A swale behind lot 22 must be addressed. These are a few of the items suggested to fix the water issues at Stone Hill Meadows.

The lamp post removal issue will be addressed at a later date.

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation approved the borough’s request to remove the lights at the crosswalk at Poplar Street and Route 100. They have not been working and therefore, will be removed.

Council is reminding the Macungie Fire Department about completing their audit. It was also determined the fire department has a new treasurer – Nicole Gilleo.

The Church Street sidewalk project is moving along. Letters are to be mailed to additional residents.

There was an executive session for legal purposes. Due to national banking issues, Council President Ron Karposki is looking into making sure investments are secure.