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Northampton fills empty fourth ward council seat

At the Northampton Borough Council meeting July 6, council officially appointed Jason Donohue as the council member representing the borough’s fourth ward.

He was appointed via Resolution 5-23, which was passed retroactively to May 18 when he began his tenure on council. Northampton Borough Mayor Anthony Pristash administered the oath of office.

In other business, Northampton Borough Police Chief Bryan Kadingo received and reviewed a request for an accessible parking space. He recommended the request be rejected. Council holds the authority to approve or decline but generally follows the chief’s recommendation. Council denied the request.

Another parking issue was placed before council. The proprietor of J’s Steaks and Subs, 1830 Main St., requested a 15-minute parking space in front of the store. Approving this request would eliminate one borough parking meter but would provide a convenient parking space for anyone picking up a takeout order. Council approved the request.

In another street-related request, council members asked the borough manager to consider a crosswalk in the area of 20th and Main streets in front of the Roxy Theatre.

Richard Wolfe, Roxy owner, spoke passionately about the history of the theater and its importance to Northampton.

He noted he believed a crosswalk, with its blinking lights, would have a negative effect on the theater operations.

Council took no action on council’s request.

Council approved a lease agreement prepared by the borough solicitor with Alliance Volunteer Fire Company that will allow them to continue operations at the facility.

Councilman Kenneth Hall reported Keystone Cement Company made its annual donation of $2,500 to Atlas Cement Company Memorial Museum.

Hall also reported the 2022 surplus distribution from Municipal Health Insurance Corporation in the amount of $35,831 was received. This is 50% of the distribution of the surplus funds, with the other 50% distribution to arrive later this year.

Councilwoman Judy Haldeman reported the Northampton Exchange Club Community Days Fair is scheduled for July 19-22 at Municipal Park, Smith Lane and Laubach Avenue.

Councilwoman Bonnie Almond noted the Northampton Fire Department is planning its annual parade July 22 as part of the Community Days celebration.

Haldeman also reported on a softball issue at Canal Street Park, stating residents have expressed a concern that home run balls fly over the fence and land in their yards.

She noted one of the team representatives said an option of moving the outfield fence and installing netting will not solve the issue. She said she does not expect a solution will be in place this year but requested it be evaluated for next softball season.

Councilman Trevor Stone reported the borough’s code enforcement officer, Keith Knoblach, served three citations on the owner of 107 Laubach Ave., which were upheld at the magisterial district judge’s office. The property owner has since secured a dumpster and has begun the cleanup of the property, Stone added.

Council Vice President Ronald Glassic noted the public works department will be posting an open position for a light equipment operator. It was suggested several laborers in the department may apply for the position.

Pristash commented on the reopening of Hillside, located at the borough’s boundary with Allen Township. He suggested residents and others consider a round of mini-golf.

The next Northampton Borough Council meeting is set for 7 p.m. July 20 at the municipal building, 1401 Laubach Ave. It is a hybrid meeting, with both in-person and virtual options. Visit YouTube and enter Northampton Borough in the search box to access the virtual meeting.