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Council hears request for minor changes to borough fees

At Coplay Borough Council’s workshop meeting July 5, Secretary Tiffany Benson asked the members of council for their input on making minor changes to various fees for permits and rentals of borough properties, such as the pavilion and the former Commitment to Family and Community building.

Council will provide its individual recommendations, and a vote will be taken to confirm the newly established fees at the next regular meeting, which was scheduled for July 11.

Borough Police Chief Ryan Emerich reported he has a prospective candidate to join the force as a part-time officer. Council was set to vote on approving this new officer at the meeting July 11 as well.

Councilwoman Janet Eisenhauer, chair of the library committee, stated the summer reading program has been very successful thus far. She also noted the library board is still seeking one more board member for 2023 and will need a second board member in 2024, due to her vacancy.

Currently, the library air-conditioning system is broken. Public works Director Paul Boyle mentioned bids have gone out for this repair project, but the borough is still waiting for the installation date.

Councilman Charles Sodl requested a report on the borough swimming pool to see how attendance and profits for 2023 are, compared to last year. The administration will pull this information together for review.

Council next meets 7 p.m. Aug. 1 in council chambers at the borough building, 98 S. Fourth St.